Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hello there,
So thanks to a mindless fan of Robert Pattinson I now have a copy of the photoshopped photo of Robert Pattinson's face on Wentworth Miller's body that some tool tried to pass off as 'himself' while pretending to be the real Rob.
Now why am I so obsessed with this?? Well I'm not really, it's just unbelievable to be how many people actually believe the frauds out there. The pictures that are posted aren't even ones that could make it believable, they are the ones that you can get off of any fan site. UGH! It's just so damn annoying!

Honestly the best work done by this fraud was this picture:

Here's the original picture with Wentworth Miller:


  1. Dude! You expose them all! I hate people when they pretend to be someone they aren't! BRING THEM ALL DOWN! lol

  2. That is the plan!! LOL Mother Fuckers!
